The company does not exist!!!
If you think this information is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible!

Quick guide:
In the search input find the business you want to have a meeting with.
When you find the correct business partner, choose him by clicking on his company name!
You will get a short description of the company with all the contact data and the persons available for a meeting.
Under the description of the company, select from a dropdown menu one person that you want to have a meeting with. You will get his calendar with all available appointments.
You can choose an appointment by clicking on the time that is the best for you. You will get a popup window where you need to put in your contact data!
You will get an e-mail with all the informations about the reservation of the appointment for the meeting with the person of your choice.

If you have any problems with the use of the portal, please contact us on the following contacts:

Celje Fair Plc
Dečkova 1
SI -3102 Celje
Phone: +386 3 54 33 211
Fax: +386 3 54 19 164

Copyright (c) 2024 Portal e-CE Meeting